Find descriptive alternatives for stipulation. Synonyms for stipulation at Thesaurus. Reverso Context oferă traducere în context din engleză în română pentru stipulation , cu exemple: It was a stipulation he requested. English dictionary definition of stipulation.
A condition or requirement that is specified or demanded as part of an agreement. The act of stipulating. In the law of the United States, a stipulation is an agreement made between opposing parties prior to a pending hearing or trial.
For example, both parties might . Something that is stated or stipulated as a condition of an . Definition of stipulation : General: Material clause, condition, or provision in an agreement. Here are the stipulations of the contract: on-time performance, . Judicial Council of California. An agreement between attorneys that concerns business before a court and is designed to simplify or shorten litigation and save costs.
CHILD SUPPORT AND ORDER. STIPULATION TO ESTABLISH OR MODIFY. A “ stipulation ” is an agreement between two parties that is submitted to the judge for approval. Once it is approved by the.
Commissioner, your case is closed. A stipulation is a full and final settlement of your case. You cannot recover any further benefits . It is hereby stipulated and agreed by and between the parties hereto: 1. EMPLOYEE, while in the employment of the above-.

Local Property Tax) v. If an educator is issued a license with statutory stipulations , they will receive a statutory stipulation letter along with their license certificate. Stipulation of Settlement. Such stipulation shall be in writing and shall be signed by all parties so stipulating. Latin stipulationem (nominative stipulatio), noun of action from past . Also an agreement between parties to a . In the Resolution Part, Mediation, or even in the Trial Part, the parties, with the assistance of the Judge, the . If I lend you my car, my only stipulation is that you fill up the gas tank before returning it.
SUPREME COURT □ SUPERIOR COURT □ FAMILY COURT □ DISTRICT COURT. QUESTION: I have concluded my work as a receiver in a case, and the parties have requested that I enter into a stipulation with them waiving my final account .
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