Termenii a priori („din ceea ce se află înainte”) și a posteriori („din ceea ce vine după”) sunt concepte utilizate în filozofie, mai precis în domeniul epistemologiei,. N-avem nici un motiv să negăm apriori , împotriva indicațiilor experienței, existența unor . A given proposition is knowable a priori if it can be known independent of any experience other than the experience of learning the language in which the . Many translated example sentences containing a priori – Romanian-English. Termenii „ a priori ” si „a posteriori” sunt folositi pentru a denota fundatiile prin care un enunt devine cunoscut.
Un enunt oarecare poate fi cunoscut a priori daca e . Reverso Context oferă traducere în context din română în engleză pentru a priori , cu exemple: Astfel de argumente, dacă există, pot avea natura celor . If you know how many re white, and blue gum balls are in the gum ball machine, this a priori knowledge can help you . Euclidean space would not exist independently of that space), then the a priori would be . Définition : Préjugé, opinion non fondée. Russell CA(1), Smith DL, Waller LA, Childs . A priori literally means from before. Synthetic turbulence generation . Traducerea acestei pagini Three methods for generating inflow velocity fields are tested in a simulation of spatially developing turbulent channel flow.
This principle is also what will eventually groun in the Transcendental Deduction, the a priori justification of the objective validity of the categories: a . Priori works through an innovative, patented understanding of how product design, materials and manufacturing processes translate into product costs. A Latin term meaning from what comes before. In legal arguments, a priori generally means that a particular idea is taken as a given.

Compare a posteriori. WordReference Random . Albert Casullo and Joshua C. Given a compact Riemannian manifold (M n , g), with positive Yamabe quotient, not conformally diffeomorphic to the standard sphere, we prove a priori estimates. But in French, a priori is a common, . This essay addresses German-language media theory through the lens of its central concept, the technological a priori. Contemporary, but not incontrovertible, examples of a priori statements have . The technological a . For much of the past two millennia philosophers have embraced a priori knowledge and have thought that the a priori plays an important role in philosophy itself. A number of error statistics . Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples.
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Ihre urteilstheoretische Bedeutung haben die Begriffe a priori und a posteriori seit Mitte des 17. Jahrhunderts, spätestens aber seit Immanuel Kant. An application of the theory of probabilities to the study of a priori pathometry.
A segmentation approach in which segmentation variables, such as age or income, are selected first and then . A Priori Segmentation. Controversy continues to attach to the question whether an externalism about mental content is compatible with a traditional doctrine of privileged self- knowledge.
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