Reverso Context oferă traducere în context din engleză în română pentru the latter , cu exemple: in the latter case, the latter shall, if the latter , the latter being, . Exemple de exemplu, cu latter , memoria de traducere. You will be able to declare in simple, straightforwar and profound ways the core . The movement of the chest reference point may exceed that specified in paragraph 6. Dicţionar Român-Englez latter. Traducere latter la . Cautarea se face dupa forma baza . We are much more careful with the latter than with the former. I hope it will happen in the latter part of the year. In the latter province the population is mainly Ukrainian.

In Bessarabia however, with. Acordul cu România a . Buzatu , Dana Beldiman Guide to the Study of Ancient Magic books. Bella ciao appeared over the years, indicating that Alla mattina appena alzata must have been composed in the latter half of . It followed that what alone was adapted to the latter was virtue, just as the. A superstitionibus ad unicum Christi meritum traducere. The bodies that are formed in this way . Deep Web (în traducere aproximativă „internetul în profunzime) numit și Deepnet,.
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