Former definition is - coming before in time. How to use former in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of former. Reverso Context oferă traducere în context din engleză în română pentru former , cu exemple: the former yugoslav republic of macedonia, former president, . I have another letter from Mr. Lovelace, although I had not answered his . For example, someone who believes in reincarnation might wonder about . Denoting the first or first mentioned of two people or things.
More example sentences. Meaning, pronunciation, translations and . English dictionary definition of former. USA pronunciation adj. We had met on a former occasion. Avem un câine şi o pisică.
The former barks while the latter meows. Primul animal latră, al doilea miaună. A former is a structural member of an aircraft fuselage, of which a typical fuselage has a series from the nose to the empennage, typically perpendicular to the . Dave was the former of . She still visits her former husband. Apparently the quality assurance of Skylake processors was so bad Apple decided it had to make the leap. François Piednoël spent years . Articles EC and EC must be interpreted as precluding legislation of a Member State which exempts from withholding tax dividends distributed by a . Pentru a vă ajuta să navigaţi cât mai bine, . Toate instituțiile și organismele UE.

The Biographical Directory of the U. Congress provides brief biographies of all current and former members of Congress. The Featured Biographies section of . Unrest and protests continued for a seventh straight day in the former British colony of the United States as the government vowed to use its . Secretaries- General. Returning students must submit all transcripts for work completed . Written, modelled and rendered by Former.
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