CautareDex › query=co. Află cum se scrie corect gramatical conform sau comform. Despre acte, copii etc. Care are același cuprins cu. Declinarea adjectivului conform.
Masculin, conform , conformi. Dicţionar de sinonime, anagrame și paronime. WordReference English-Romanian Dictionary. CONFÓRM , -Ă, conformi, -e, adj.
Some kids who refuse to conform are bullied by their peers. Unii copii care refuză să se adapteze. Acum zile - Meaning of conform in English. Conform DEX-ului, doar prima varianta este corecta! How to use conform in a sentence.

Traducerea acestei pagini EXAMPLES FROM THE WEB FOR CONFORM. We are not obliged to conform to any particular set of rules. If you do not conform to society, . Ai libertatea sa platesti in rate, beneficiezi de . Comply with rules, standards, or laws. More example sentences.
To conform means to adapt to fit in with new conditions. So if you travel to Morocco, you should conform to the local custom and adjust your usual wardrobe to . Acum zile - Acordarea STIMULENTULUI DE RISC conform prevederilor art. That includes a broader. Aflați despre cerințele privind colectarea, stocarea și gestionarea datelor cu caracter personal. Descoperiți regulile și penalitățile impuse prin RGPD.
National road haulage services carried out in the host Member State by a non- resident haulier shall only be deemed to conform with this Regulation if the haulier . Expands an array or scalar so that it conforms to the shape of the given variable. You must be prepared to conform. The definition of conform is Adapt or conform oneself to new or different conditions.
As this library is used to adapt your application to its deployed environment, . INSTRUCŢIUNI SCRISE CONFORM ADR. Măsuri care trebuie luate în caz de accident sau situaţie de urgenţă. Relații cu investitorii investor. Cristian Alexandru Spânu Şef Departament Agenţii de Rating şi Relaţii cu Investitorii Tel.

Definitions and Synonyms . Versatile diecast aluminium enclosures with in-built EMC shielding. CSA USA registered GOST Certified Germanischer Lloyd Certified. Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples.
University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj-Napoca, Romania main site.
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